Sambou Gervais Year Grad : 2020 Grad Class : 48 Faculty : Vincent Mary School of Engineering Degree Name : Bachelor of Engineering Program in Electrical Engineering
AU Scholarship Recipient Successfully Completed
his Education in Engineering
Bro. Sambou Gervais, Director of CTA Saint Montfort, Senegal, just earned his Engineering Degree as an AU Scholarship Recipient!
Bro. Sambou Gervais, member of Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel and one of the many outstanding scholars who have been granted the AU scholarships to pursue their degrees at Assumption University in various disciplines, has just completed his well-deserved Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Degree, from Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vincent Mary School of Engineering (VME).
The AU Vincent Mary School of Engineering is widely recognized and renowned for producing highly qualified graduates in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering programs and especially the innovative and famed program of Aeronautic Engineering specialized in training Commercial Pilots and Aircraft Maintenance techniques and skills etc,.
Completing his degree, Bro. Sambou is now prepared to return to Senegal to assume his executive position as the Director of the CTA Saint Montfort, part of the Gabriéliste Montfortian education system, which allows students to reach a good level of skills, gives them a sense of scientific research and a taste for innovation, making them permanent learners and people with a global approach in society.
At the CTA Saint Montfort, students can have vocational training in Automobile Mechanics or Electricity (domestic and industrial). Moreover, students can train in and master Automobile Mechanics or Electrical skills & expertise. The SAINT MONTFOR, CTA Center Technique d'Apprenssage or the Technical Learning Center (CTA), Saint Montfort offers level 4 and above, to students to follow professional training in automotive maintenance or in building and semi-industrial electricity for the next school year 2020-2021.
AU Scholarship Program
Besides providing quality education in various fields, Assumption University has been offering numerous scholarship packages of different categories; supporting countless scholarly outstanding students & candidates who have completed their Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Degrees in various fields at Assumption University. Moreover, a number of scholarly outstanding undergraduate students are specially selected from high schools around Thailand to pursue their programs in various AU schools. Several clergymen and clergywomen worldwide have been as well awarded scholarships to pursue their degrees in their respective fields of study at Assumption University.
Prior to his departure, Bro. Sambou visited Rev. Bro. Dr. Bancha Saenghiran, AU President-Rector Magnificus, on September 16, 2020, to bid farewell and to seek the rector’s advice and valuable guidelines to manage the
CTA Saint Montfort with the most effective & efficient ways in order to train, educate and turn out the most capable graduates for their successful careers and any of their future endeavors. As a very senior University’s rector with a wealth of expertise and experiences, Rev. Bro. Dr. Bancha, a highly respectable AU top management member, is looked to for his valuable advice, counsel and wise guidance.